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Privacy Statement


Collection of Information

When you register as a member of our website, we may collect information such as your email, your name, your location and your preferred products or brands in the field of mother care and child care. For merchant, we may collect information such as company name, name of the person-in-charge, company'address, contact person's email.

Uses of Information

The information that you provide us will be used to provide you with a personalized experience with our website. We may provide you pages about latest promotion that you may be interested based on the information that you provide us.

Furthermore, we may send you email that contains latest promotion or coupon on baby care or mother care product that matches what you have provides with us.

Can you opt out?

At any time, you can always opt out from receiving email that contains latest promotion or coupon on mother care or baby care products.

You can simply do it by changing your personal particular by updating your personal account.

Can you change and update your particulars?

You can always change and update your particular with us simply after you login to our system.

Will your personal information be shared with anyone?

We will not disclose specific information about our users to any third parties.

Protection of Your Personal Data

Babyment will take reasonable steps to ensure your personal particular are protected from unauthorized access. Access to your account is password protected.

Furthermore, employee of Babyment will not have the have the right to change your personal particular that you have registered with us.

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