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Indonesian maid salary in Singapore


Indonesian maid salary in 2017

According to a survey conducted by, the average maid salary of Indonesian maid salary in 2017 is $594 which is the slightly less than the average monthly salary for Filipino maid which is at $596. The median monthly salary of Indonesian maid salary is $585.


Out of the 52 employers who participate the survey, 10 employers state that the monthly basic salary of their Indonesian maid is in the band of $650 - $699. It is believed the Indonesian maids working in these families have many years of experience which could explain their higher than average monthly salary.


Minimum monthly salary in 2017

In 2014, the Indonesian Embassy raised the minimum monthly salary of Indonesian domestic helpers from $450 to $500. The minimum monthly salary was further increased to $550 from 1st January 2016.

The survey found that some Indonesian maids are earning less than the minimum monthly salary which is at $550 in 2017. This is because they are employed before the new minimum wage kicked in.  The new minimum wage is applicable to new maids who come to Singapore after the minimum wage becomes effective.


Compensation for maid’s weekly rest day

If you need your Indonesian maid to work on her off day, the compensation rate must at least be your maid’s daily wage as stated by the Ministry of Manpower. Daily wage is calculated based on the following formula:

Daily wage = basic monthly salary / 26


Looking For Indonesian Maid ?

If you are looking for Indonesian maid, you can click Indonesian maid that meets your requirement. 

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