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What to watch for when add supplementary food for baby


  • Supplementary food items should increase gradually. If there is no much variety, your baby may become fussy about food later on.
  • You should also be patient when increasing the food variety for your baby. You need observe baby's body reaction for a few days after you add a new food item to your baby's diet to ensure he is not sensitive to the new food. If you baby experiences loss of appetite, constipation, diarrhea or stool abnormality, you should stop feeding your baby this new food item.
  • Supplementary food added should be smooth and runny at the beginning, then move from pureed food to mashed food. For example, you should feed baby rice soup for about 2 months before changing to thin gruel and then thick porridge.
  • You should not increase baby's food intake sharply. Baby indigestion may occur if you feed baby too much in one time.
  • Do not force feeding the baby. When your baby is not comfortable with the new supplementary food and refuse to tuck in, you should not give baby time to adapt to this new supplementary food.

Different food will provide infant different nutrition. Parent therefore should change baby's menu regularly to ensure baby has absorbed different kinds of nutritions.

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