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Silver pomfret


During Pregnancy

It is safe to eat silver pomfret in moderation while you are pregnant.

Silver pomfret is lean source of protein and it contains omega-3 fatty acids which is beneficial for the brain development of the fetus.

Iron present in silver pomfret is important for red blood cell formation. This can help to prevent anemia during pregnancy.

Other vitamins and minerals present in silver pomfret include vitamin B1, B2, D, folate, pantothentic acid, potassium, calcium, zinc and copper which could benefit both expecting mothers and the growing fetus.

However, due to pollution, there is mercury found in the brown grouper. Presence of mercury in the pregnant women has been found to be related to some birth defects and this heavy metal usuaully will stay in the body for quite long.

Therefore, you should limit the consumption to one or two times in a month.

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