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Blueberry Cereal


Suitable for: 8 months to 10 months old baby




Preparation and Cooking Method:

Step 1: Combine all of the above ingredients – Add water if needed

Step 2: Transfer to a blender or food processor. Puree as needed for your baby’s age and texture requirements.

Nutritional Value of 100g of Blueberries:

1 Vitamin A 54 IU
2 Vitamin C 9.7 mg
3 Vitamin E 0.57 mg
4 Potassium 77 mg
5 Calcium 6 mg
6 Magnesium 6 mg
7 Manganese 0.336 mg
8 Dietary Fiber 2.4 g
9 Folates 6 ug


Benefits of Blueberry Cereal:

Blueberries are among the highest antioxidant value fruits. They contain flavonoid antioxidants such as carotene-B, lutein and zeaxanthin. 

Beta Carotene turns into Vitamin A in the human body when eaten and digested.

Vitamin A plays an important role in your baby's vision and bone growth. It also helps protect his or her body from infections. Vitamin A also promotes the health and growth of cells and tissues in your baby's body.

Blueberries are also packed with essential phytonutrients such as soluble dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins, and pigment antioxidants for the optimum health of your baby.

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