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Sauteed Spinach Baby Food


Suitable for: 8 months to 10 months old baby




Preparation and Cooking Method:

Step 1: Thoroughly cleanse fresh spinach and pick out damaged leaves

Step 2: Heat olive oil in a frying pan

Step 3: Place spinach in the pan with the heated olive oil and sauté until tender. Leaves will shrink and appear wilted when done.

Step 4: Puree spinach in blender or food processor,

Step 5: Add fresh water until mixture is of the desired consistency.


Nutritional Value of 100g of Spinach:

1 Folates 194 ug
2 Manganese 0.897 mg
3 Vitamin A 9377 IU
4 Vitamin C 28.1 mg
5 Carotene-B 5626 mg
6 Vitamin K 482.9 ug
7 Potassium 558 mg
8 Calcium 99 mg
9 Iron 2.71 mg
10 Lutein-zeaxanthin 12198 ug


Benefits of Sauteed Spinach Baby Food:

Spinach is an amazing source of Calcium. A mere 1 cup of cooked spinach gives you 42 mg of calcium. Spinach also contains very high amounts of vitamin A, iron, carotene-B, lutein, vitamin K and potassium as shown above.

Vitamin A plays an important role in your baby's vision and bone growth. It also helps protect his or her body from infections. Vitamin A also promotes the health and growth of cells and tissues in your baby's body.

There is also a high amount of flavonoids in spinach which act as antioxidants to protect your baby's body from free radicals.

The folate in spinach is good for your baby's healthy cardiovascular system, and magnesium helps lower high blood pressure. Studies also have shown that spinach helps maintain your baby's brain function, memory and mental clarity.

It is a powerveggie that is loaded with high amounts of a variety of nutrients for every part of your baby's body.

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