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Safe to Eat Mung bean

Is it safe to eat Mung bean during pregnancy, breastfeeding or while trying to conceieve?Is it healthy for infant, toddler or childrent to eat?

Trying to conceive

It is good for couples to eat mung bean while they are trying to conceive.

Mung bean is rich in folic acid which is a must-take for women before and during pregnancy. Folic acid can help to prevent birth defects in newborns.

Mung bean contains zinc which can help to improve sperm count and sperm motility-both are essential for successful conception.

Mung bean can help to detox the body which can improve the general health of the couples and therefore can increase the chance of conception.

During Pregnancy

It is safe to eat moderate amount of mung bean during pregnancy.

First, mung bean is rich in iron which can help expecting mothers fight againt anemia as iron can aid in the formation of the red blood cell.

Furthermore, mung bean is rich in dietary fiber which can help to prevent constipation during pregnancy - a discomfort experienced by many pregnant women.

Moreover, mung bean contains folic acid which can help to prevent birth defects in newborns.

However, mung bean is a "cold" food which may cause discomfort in stomach if consumed in excess.

In some cases, mung bean can also exacerate morning sickness experienced by many pregnant women.

During Confinement

It is safe to eat moderate amount of mung bean during confinement.

Mung bean is a cold food which can cause discomfort in the stomach and other digestive system related disease such as diarrhea.

During Breastfeeding

It is safe to eat moderate amount of mung bean while you are breastfeeding.

First, mung bean is rich in iron. Iron is essential for red blood cell formation which is beneficial for the growing baby.

Furthermore, mung bean is rich in dietary fiber which can help to prevent constipation.

Mung bean is also rich in many other minerals and vitamins like thiamin, riboflavin, folic acid, niacin, vitamin B6, Pantothenic Acid, vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin C, K, calcium,

potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, zinc, copper and manganese. All these help to enrich the breast milk and are good for the general health of the babies.

Four Months to Six Months Old Baby

It is not suitable for baby to eat mung bean at this age.

Seven Months to Nine Months Old Baby

You can introduce mung bean to your baby when he or she turns 8 months old.

However, excessive consumption should be avoided as mung bean is a cold food, excessive consumption can lead to problem in digestive system of the baby.

You may also need to cook it for a relatively longer time so that it is easy for the baby to digest.

Lastly, you should not mix mung bean with tomato.

Ten Months to Twelve Months Old Baby

It is safe for your baby to eat mung bean.

However, excessive consumption should be avoided as mung bean is a cold food, excessive consumption can lead to problem in digestive system of the baby.

You may also need to cook it for a relatively longer time so that it is easy for the baby to digest.

Lastly, you should not mix mung bean with tomato.

One Year Old and Above Baby

It is safe for your baby to eat mung bean.

However, excessive consumption should be avoided as mung bean is a cold food, excessive consumption can lead to problem in digestive system of the baby.

Lastly, mung bean should not be mixed with tomato.