
Introduction of C-section birth delivery and the process of c-section birth delivery.

Introduction to Cesarean section

Caesarean section, cesarean section or C - section is a surgical procedure used to delivery a baby through incision at the mother's abdomen and uterus.

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Suitability of c-section birth delivery in some situations

Caesarean section should be considered in the following situations

If possible, pregnant women should choose normal vaginal delivery, this is for the good of both the mother and the infant. However, if any of the following situation occurs, pregnant women should follow the recommendation of the doctor and choose caesarean-section (c-section) for delivery.

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Use of Medisave for birth delivery in Singapore hospitals

Use of Medisave For Delivery and Pre Delivery Expenses

Use of Medisave For Birth Delivery: You can withdraw up to $450 for your pre-delivery expenses.

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Benefits of vaginal birth delivery or normal birth delivery

Benefits of normal vaginal delivery

Benefits or advantages of normal vaginal delivery: The normal vaginal delivery will have many advantages or benefits as compare to c-section to both mother and baby. The article explain the details of the various benefits such as better immune system and better lung function for baby after normal delivery

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Introduction to three stages of birth delivery

Major happening in third stage of labor

Third stage starts after the baby is delivered and end when the placenta is delivered

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What baby does during vaginal birth delivery in Singapore

What your baby is doing during the second stage of labor?

What your baby is doing during the second stage of labor

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