

General House Rules (一般家庭守则)

1. Do not do any part-time job during your off-day. It is against the law in Singapore. (在你的休息日,不要去做任何的兼职. 女佣在休息日做兼职是违反新加坡法律的)

2. Do not lie to us. (不要撒谎)

3. Do not bring other people into the house.(不要带陌生人来我们家)

4. Do not leave the house without our permission. (在未得到允许前不准离开家门)

5. Do inform us when you go out during your off-day (休息日出门前记得通知我们一下)

6. Be at home before 10pm during your off-day. (休息日晚上10点必须回到家里)

7. You can only use hand phone after baby fall asleep at night. Remember to switch your phone to silent mode so as not to wake up our baby. (手机只可以在晚上宝宝睡觉后才能使用. 记得把手机切换到静音模式,以免吵醒宝宝)

8. If there is any misunderstanding or miscommunication, try to explain to us, but do not argue or shout. (如果我们之间有任何误会,请与我们好好解释,但不要争论)

9. Ask for permission before you enter master room.(进入主人房前须得到我们的同意)

10. If you make mistake, do let us know honestly. (诚实的承认错误)

11. If you need to use house phone, ask for our permission. (在使用家里固定电话前须征求我们的同意)

12. Try not to talk to men outside. (尽量不要在外面与其他男人聊天)

Employer- Maid Relationship (雇主与女佣关系)

1. We will reward you for good performance. (如果你的表现好, 我们会给于奖励)

2. Do share with us if you encounter any difficulty。 (遇到任何困难,可以与我们倾诉)

3. If you want to send money home, let us know and we will help you send the money back home. (如果你想要寄钱回家,记得通知我们。我们可以协助你把钱寄回家)

4. Do not compare with other maids. (不要与其他女佣做比较)

5. If there are too many things for you to handle, do let us know and we will work it out with you. (如果我们给你的工作太多,请告知我们。我们在商量如何处理)

6. Do talk to us when you are not feeling well, we will take you to see doctor. (如果你身体有任何不适,请及时通知我们。我们会马上带你去看医生)

Housework Related Rule (家务相关规则)

1. Always exercise care when you are doing any housework. (做任何家务的时候都要小心翼翼)

2. Do not clean exterior of the window when you are alone. Only clean exterior of the window when Madam is at home to help you. (不要一个人清理窗户的外部。清洗窗户外部的时候必须有我们在场协助)

3. Try to remember our preference。(尽量记得我们在各个方面的偏好)

4. If there is anything you are unsure or do not know how to do, do not be afraid to ask us first.(有任何不懂的地方应及时询问我们)

5. if any of the groceries, household items in the house is about to finish, let us know so that we can buy it when you go to supermarket. (家里任何用品快要完的时候,要让我们知道。我们才可以及时购买添加)

6. Do not leave knives, scissors, detergent or washing powder lying around or in a place that can be reached by children. (不要乱放刀、剪刀、洗涤剂或者洗衣粉,更不要把他们放在孩子可以触摸到的地方)

Laundry and Cooking Related Rule (洗衣和烹饪相关规则)

1. Check clothes pocket before putting them into washing machine. (在把衣服放进洗衣机前应先检查所有的口袋)

2. Do not dry clothes in the kitchen while you are cooking。(煮饭的时候不要在室内晾衣服)

3. Wash all the clothes at night. (在晚上洗好所有衣服)

4. Wash hand before you touch the food。(洗手后才可以接触食物)

5. separate raw meat, vegetable from cooked food. (把煮熟的食物与其他的分开来)

Taking Care Of Baby (照顾小孩)

1. If you think our baby or child needs to be disciplined, let us know. (如果我们的孩子行为举止有问题,请告知我们)

2. Do not hit children.(不要打小孩子)

3. Do watch our baby closely when he plays at the playground. (在游乐场玩耍的时候,记得时时刻刻看好宝宝)

4. Always hold our children’s hand when cross the road。(过马路的时候要牵着宝宝的手)

5. Clean baby’s toys every night after he falls asleep(宝宝晚上入睡后要整理和清理一下宝宝的玩具)

6. Do let us know when baby get hurt when you are taking care of him. (如果宝宝受伤,一定要通知我们)

Others (其他规则)

1. Dress properly when we go out together. (出门的时候衣着要整齐好看)

2. sleeveless, low cut tops and shorts are not allowed in the house. (在家里的时候不要穿低胸上衣和短裤)

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