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PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Zhenghua Blk 550B (EY)

Address: 550B, SEGAR ROAD, #01 - 628, SINGAPORE 672550 (Map shown below)
Contact Number: 67104138
Food Served: No Pork No Lard with No Beef(without Certification from MUIS but from Halal Sources)
Mother Tongue:Chinese
Review of Infant Care Centre:Join Child Care Chat Group in Bukit Panjang to ask review of this centre:
Child Care in Bukit Panjang
Operating HoursMonday - Friday : Full Day Hrs - 0700 to 1900hrs Saturday : Full Day Hrs - 0700 to 1400hrs
Map:Map of PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Zhenghua Blk 550B (EY) is shown below.
Service Types and Fees (Note: Fee changes from time to time)
Item: Age FromAge ToService TypeFee
11 Year(s) 6 month(s)6 year(s) 11 month(sChild Full Day680
21 Year(s) 6 month(s)6 year(s) 11 month(sChild Half Day (AM)440.56
31 Year(s) 6 month(s)6 year(s) 11 month(sChild Half Day (PM)440.56
40 Year(s) 2 month(s)1 year(s) 6 month(s)Infant Full Day1235
50 Year(s) 2 month(s)1 year(s) 6 month(s)Infant Half Day AM764.95
60 Year(s) 2 month(s)1 year(s) 6 month(s)Infant Half Day PM764.95
Other Services Charges - Incidental Charges
Item: TypesFrequencyFees Amount
1Registration FeeOnce53.5