7 Ways To Help Your Children Deal with Test Anxiety

 Child studying

Helping your child with test anxiety

  1. Ensure minimal distractions

Multitasking when studying for exams is a major no-no as it is distracting them from the materials that they should be focusing primarily on. Thus, when your child is studying, do attempt to situate them on a table with their computers and mobile devices away from their grasp. Music can be effective in helping your child focus, but only if they are of the instrumental and non-lyrical type.

  1. Practice relaxation techniques with your child

Breathing exercises, yoga and meditation techniques are ideal for parents to teach to their children. There are countless websites and online tutorials that you can derive these techniques from. It could also help to strengthen the bond between your child and yourself when you practice these techniques together.

  1. Remind your children that you believe in their ability

Encourage your children by telling them that we believe in them. Acknowledge that they have every right to be scared, but remind them not to be overwhelmed by fear and anxiety. Bring up similar past situations and remind them that they have done well despite the odds and that they will accomplish such a feat again. Naturally, if the child does not have a good history with tests and exams, the abovementioned step can be skipped. Do continue to reassure them that that the parents still believe in them and that they can easily redeem their past failures with success for the upcoming tests.

  1. Teaching your kids the importance of health

Parents should place an emphasis on ensuring that your children get sufficient sleep every night. Also, encouraging your children to exercise more via taking up sports, lifting weights or running et cetera. This will help them to take their minds off the stress and anxiety caused by the presence of the upcoming tests. Physical activities release endorphins that releases a positive and pleasant sensation in the body. This is also known as a ‘runner’s high’ which can then be followed by an optimistic and refreshed albeit temporary perspective on life ahead and potentially the test as well.

  1. Prepare together with your children

Practice test questions together with your children, especially in topics they may be weaker in. Parents can also revise together with their children if they have the time to spare. The private setting of home allows children to share their doubts and queries without the fear of being judged by their peers or teachers. Try to keep the revision light and brief as if parents overdo it, the child might be overloaded with information and be unable to process it adequately for the upcoming test.

  1. Expel anxieties out of their system

It is not advisable to let the child’s anxieties and stress fester in their brains as this effect tends to drown other thoughts and feelings, thus causing the child’s mind to be less efficient and effective. Instead of keeping their insecurities and anxieties bottled up, it is best for children to expel them out of their bodies by writing them out on pieces of paper before the exam.

  1. Staying positive

Reminding children that they are a wonderful and unique human being regardless of their grades can go a long way in improving their self-esteem and sense of self-worth. Although these practices might not seem effective the first couple of times you express the abovementioned sentiment; it would yield results after repeatedly emphasizing on it. Also. Actively discourage your children from harboring negative thoughts and engaging in negative talk. Teach them that instead of saying that “I am not going to do well for this test’, they should try to think from a glass half full approach such as ‘ ‘I will do my best for this upcoming test!’


It takes a village to raise a child !

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