7 ways to control toddler aggression

 Child being disciplined for bad behavior

  Since language is still new and unfamiliar for toddlers, they tend to display their emotions through their bodies rather than their mouths. Moreover, some toddlers do not even need to be motivated by anger before deciding to cause a ruckus. However, there exist solutions to temper your toddler’s outbursts. Here are 7 possible methods for controlling toddler aggression.

1.       Remain calm and composed: Overreactions are sure to illustrate to toddlers that their aggressive actions are yielding their desired result of attracting their parents’ attention. Some toddlers may even find the sight of an exasperated parent as hilarious and entertaining, thus motivating them to continue with their tantrums and aggression


2.       Teaching and enforcing rules and regulations: Children are often unaware of house rules unless these rules are taught to them. Toddlers are often inclined to touch, grab and explore new and mysterious objects. Thus, parents should actively remove dangerous equipment such as knives and valuables as well due to their shininess attracting the toddlers. On the other hand, materials such as books and toys can be left in accessible locations in order to encourage toddlers to play with them. If toddlers do break a rule however, they should be disciplined accordingly .


3.       Complimenting when necessary: A parent should actively try to praise their children for doing good things such as not throwing a tantrum when they fail to get what they want. Do this sparingly however as a parent should not be giving the impression that good deeds= massive rewards.


4.       Controlling your own temper: It is of utmost importance for a parent to be an ideal role model to their children as they are a constant presence in their children’s lives. If the parents’ themselves are constantly frustrated and actively cursing at others, their behavior is often replicated by their children eventually. Thus, if parents themselves express their anger and unhappiness in a controlled and subtle manner, it’s likely that their behavior will rub off on their children as well.


5.       Paying attention to the toddler’s needs. It is crucial that toddler gets sufficient and quality sleep, nutrition as well as playtime. If these requirements are not met, the toddlers will potentially become upset and temperamental.


6.        Providing an outlet for physical release: Provide your children/toddlers with some manner of outlet such as beanbags and stress balls. When they are upset, instruct them to hit only the beanbag or to squeeze the stress ball. This could potentially release pent-up frustrations within the toddler or child.


7.       Actively prohibit or discourage aggressive tendencies: Be on the lookout for violent behavior displayed by toddlers in their playtime. For instance, if your toddler starts to rip off dolls ‘heads or physically abusing a toy, the parent should intervene peacefully by advising the toddler that it is morally abhorrent to be violent towards any being, regardless of whether they are sentient or not.

If the kids' violent behavior seems unusually high, it is recommended for parents to consult a paedician and acquire proffessional help for an appropriate diagnosis and custom solutions.

It takes a village to raise a child !

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