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Safe to Eat Cauliflower
Trying to conceive
Cauliflower is good for women who are trying to conceive.
Cauliflower is rich in linoleic acid and alpha-linoleic acid which are essential for ovulation.
Furthermore, cauliflowr contains di-indolylmethane which stimulates our body to use estrogen more effciently.
Lastly, cauliflower is rich in vitamin C which is very beneficial to the immune system.
During Pregnancy
It is beneficial for expecting mothers to eat cauliflower during pregnancy.
Cauliflower can help to lower down cholesterol which help to protect the heart.
Cauliflow is also rich in fiber which can help the expecting mother to prevent constipation.
Antioxidants found in cauliflower can help improve immunity. This will aid pregnant women in fighting against various diseases.
Cauliflower is the best source of minerals during your pregnancy. It contains zinc, phosphorus, selenium, sodium that helps to maintain a healthy child in the womb of a mother.
However, you should avoid over comsumption of cauliflower. It can cause gas in the stomach and heart burning sensation if you consume too much cauliflower.During Confinement
Cauliflower can help to lower down cholesterol which help to protect the heart.
Many new mothers may need to rest in bed most of the time during confinement and this may cause constipation. Cauliflow is rich in fiber which can help new mothers to prevent constipation.
Antioxidants found in cauliflower can help improve immunity. It helps you to fight against various diseases.
Furthermore, cauliflower is the best source of minerals. It contains zinc, phosphorus, selenium, sodium that helps to maintain a healthy child in the womb of a mother.
However, you should avoid over comsumption of cauliflower. It can cause gas in the stomach and heart burning sensation if you consume too much cauliflower.
During Breastfeeding
Your baby should avoid cauliflower as it has been named as one of the gassy vegetables. Gassy food can cause colic in baby.
Four Months to Six Months Old Baby
Your baby should avoid this food as it has been named as one of the gassy vegetables. Gassy food can cause colic in baby.
Seven Months to Nine Months Old Baby
You can introduce cauliflower to your baby when he or she turns 8 months to 10 months old.
Cauliflower is rich in vitamin A and C and many minerals such as potassium and phosphorus.
However, this vegetable is one of the gassy food which can cause colic in your baby.
Ten Months to Twelve Months Old Baby
Cauliflower is rich in vitamin A and C and many minerals such as potassium and phosphorus which are beneficial for the healthy development of the growing babies.
However, this vegetable is one of the gassy food which can cause colic in your baby.
One Year Old and Above Baby
Cauliflower is rich in vitamin A and C and many minerals such as potassium and phosphorus which are beneficial for the healthy development of the growing babies.
The antioxidant phytonutrients found in cauliflower can protect our bodies from serious diseases such as cancer.
However, cauliflower is one of the gassy food which can cause colic in your baby.