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Safe to Eat Mangosteen

Is it safe to eat Mangosteen during pregnancy, breastfeeding or while trying to conceieve?Is it healthy for infant, toddler or childrent to eat?

Trying to conceive

Mangosteen is beneficial for couples who are trying to conceive.

Mangostenn is rich in antioxidants. The antioxidants aid in restoring and repairing any form of cellular damage or degeneration. This is very important for those women who may have smaller chances to conceive with increasing age.

Gynaecologists usually recommend women to take folic acid one month before pregnancy and mangosteen is a good natural source of folic acid.

During Pregnancy

It is safe for expecting mothers to have mangosteen during pregnancy.

First, folic acid in mangosteen can help to prevent birth defects and premature birth.

Mangosteen is also a good source of iron which can help in red blood cell formation. This can aid pregnant women in fighting anemia.

Lastly, calcium in mangosteen is important for the bone development of the growing fetus.

During Confinement

You may want to avoid mangosteen in the first few days after birth delivery as it is usually labelled as a "cold" fruit which can cause discomfort in the stomach of the new mothers.

Mangosteen has antioxidant properties which can protect new mothers from attack by free radicals.

Iron in mangosteen can help in the formation of red blood cell. This is very helpful for new mothers who lost a lot of blood during birth delivery.

During Breastfeeding

It is safe to eat mangosteen in moderation during breastfeeding.

Mangosteen has anti-inflammation properties which can help mother and baby fight a series of diseases.

However, this fruit is a "cold" fruit which can cause discomfor in the stomach and can even cause constipation. Excessive cconsumtion therefore should be avoided.

Four Months to Six Months Old Baby

It is not suitable for baby at this age to eat mangosteen.

Seven Months to Nine Months Old Baby

It is not suitable for baby at this age to eat mangosteen.

Ten Months to Twelve Months Old Baby

You can introduce mangosteen gradually to your baby.

You will need to observe baby's conditions after introduction of this fruit. Some babies may show discomfort in the stomach while some babies show allergic reaction to it.

One Year Old and Above Baby

You can introduce this fruit gradually to your baby.

You will need to observe baby's conditions after introduction of this fruit. Some babies may show discomfort in the stomach while some babies show allergic reaction to it.