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Safe to Eat Pistachio

Is it safe to eat Pistachio during pregnancy, breastfeeding or while trying to conceieve?Is it healthy for infant, toddler or childrent to eat?

Trying to conceive

It is healthy to eat pistachios while couples are trying to conceive.

Pistachios are rich in antioxidants which can help to improve the general health of the couples and therefore increase chance of conception.

Pistachios also contain trace elements or minerals like calcium, iron, magensium, potassium, zinc, copper, phosphorus which are beneficial for couples who are trying to conceive.

During Pregnancy

Eating pistachios in moderation is safe for expecting mothers during pregnancy. But the expecting mothers need to be aware of the sodium content in the roasted pistachios as high sodium content can lead to higher blood pressure.

In general, pistachios are healthy for pregnant women. Pistachio is a good source of antioxidants which can protect pregnant women from attacks by free radicals.

Pistachios are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids which can benefit the brain development of the growing fetus.

Iron and copper found in pistachios can help to prevent anemia - a common problem faced by many pregnant women due to a greater demand for blood during pregnancy.

Lastly, the dietary fiber in pistachios can help to prevent constipation.

During Confinement

It is healthy to eat pistachios during confinement.

Pistachios are full of antioxidants which can help to boost immune system of the new mothers. This can help new mothers to recover faster after birth delivery.

Pistachios are good source of iron and copper which are essential for red blood cell formation. This again is beneficial for the new mothers who lost blood during birth delivery and through lochia.

During Breastfeeding

It is safe to eat pistachios during breastfeeding.

Pistachios are full of antioxidants which can help to boost immune system of the new mothers as well as the growing babies.

Pistachios are good source of iron and copper which are essential for red blood cell formation. This is beneficial for the babies who are growing very fast.

Pistachios are full of omega-3 fatty acids which are good for the development of the brain of the babies.

Four Months to Six Months Old Baby

It is not suitable for baby at this age to eat pistachios as it is very hard for them to digest.

Seven Months to Nine Months Old Baby

It is not suitable for baby at this age to eat pistachios as it is very hard for them to digest.

Ten Months to Twelve Months Old Baby

It is not suitable for baby at this age to eat pistachios as it is very hard for them to digest.

One Year Old and Above Baby

It is not suitable for babies at this age to eat pistachios in excess.

Pistachios are full of nutrition like omega-3 fatty acis which are good for the brain development of the children.

Pistachios are also rich in antioxidants that can boost the immune system of the children.

However, pistachios sold in the market usually contain sodium which can harm the heart and kidney of the children and excessive consumption should be avoided.