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Safe to Eat Watermelon

Is it safe to eat Watermelon during pregnancy, breastfeeding or while trying to conceieve?Is it healthy for infant, toddler or childrent to eat?

Trying to conceive

It is healthy to eat watermelon while couples are trying to conceive.

Watermelon can help to increase man and woman's fertility. Watermelon contains citruline which can help to increase sperm count and sperm quality - both are important for successful conception.

For women, watermelon can help to increase fertility by improving health of the egg.

During Pregnancy

Watermelon is good for quenching thirst and aid in urination.

However, watermelon is a cold fruit which may hurt the stomach and spleen of the pregnant women. Pregnant women should therefore limit the amount of consumption.

During Confinement

Watermelon is good for quenching thirst and aid in urination.

However, watermelon is a cold fruit which may hurt the stomach and spleen of the pregnant women. Pregnant women should therefore limit the amount of consumption.

During Breastfeeding

It is safe to eat watermelon in moderation.

Watermelon contains minerals and vitamins which can improve the quality of the breast milk. But nursing mother may want to avoid excessive consumption to avoid harm to the stomach and spleen.

Four Months to Six Months Old Baby

It is okay to for your baby to have watermelon juice.

Parents need to gradually introduce this fruit and observe the reaction of the baby to avoid any adverse effect.

Seven Months to Nine Months Old Baby

It is okay to for your baby to have watermelon juice.

Parents need to gradually introduce this fruit and observe the reaction of the baby to avoid any adverse effect.

Ten Months to Twelve Months Old Baby

It is okay to for your baby to have watermelon juice.

Parents need to gradually introduce this fruit and observe the reaction of the baby to avoid any adverse effect.

One Year Old and Above Baby

It is okay to for your baby to have watermelon juice.

Parents need to gradually introduce this fruit and observe the reaction of the baby to avoid any adverse effect.