Stroller: How to choose Stroller for your baby?
Stroller is one of the most helpful tools for mother, and may be also one of the most expensive items that the mother buys for her baby. Here we try to give you some suggestions about how to choose a stroller that fits your circumstance.
Features that should always have
1. Stroller - Safety Features
(a) Seat belt and restraint system
This feature is a must as sometimes you may want to avoid crowded lift and use elevator to go up and down. The seat belt and restraint system provide some safety assurance to make sure your baby does not fall off.
(b) Brakes
Make sure the stroller has brakes that lock the wheels in place. This is particularly important when you want to take train with your baby. If the wheels are not locked, the stroller may move around and cause danger as the train will wobble.
(c) Wide Wheel Base
This can ensure the stability of the stroller.
(d) Others
Make sure the selected stroller does not have small part that can be easily torn off and hole or something similar that your baby can put his finger in it. All these will pose potential hazard to your baby.
2. Stroller - Navigate around easily
We live a country where everywhere is crowded. Your stroller must be able to navigate around easily to avoid bouncing onto other people. Hence, the stroller should be able to stop or start easily and make corner without any difficulty. You should test this out in the retail shop to see whether you can make the turn or corner easily or not.
3. Stroller - You must be comfortable with it
Although safety of the children must always come first, your feel about the usage of the stroller is also very important. Again, you can test this out on the retail store to make sure you feel good about it; you also need to ensure that you do not kick the rear wheel of the stroller while walking around.
4. Stroller - Easy to fold
It will be good that the stroller can be folded with the use of one hand or foot, this makes life easier if you need one hand to hold your baby or do other things.
A suitable stroller not only needs to have all basic and important features like safety, but must also have features that meet your lifestyle need. An expensive stroller may have lots of feature, but it may not be suitable for you.
Your height
If you and your husband or maid who are going to push the stroller have a big height difference, you should choose stroller that has adjustable height so that you or your husband does not have to stoop.
Do you go shopping often?
If you need to go shopping very often with your baby, you may buy those strollers that have a pocket underneath the seat. If you have lots of stuffs to carry, you should avoid those strollers that have two separate umbrella-shaped handles.
Do you drive often ?
If you have a car and travel very often with you baby. You may want to buy those strollers that are equipped with a system that allow you to fit your car seat or carrier onto it.
When you are going to introduce stroller to your baby
(a) Newborn or infant
A stroller with an adjustable seat that fully recline is a must for this as the infants cannot support their heads. This type of stroller is also good whenever your baby falls asleep.
Most of the light weight stroller is not suitable for this purpose due to its inability to recline.
Padding must be good for this purpose as your baby's head may bounce onto the side of the seat on some bumpy road and you need to make sure his or her little head does not get hurt.
(b) Your baby is able to walk already
A light weight stroller may be value for money for you. This type of stroller can also be folded compactly for easy carrying and convenient for traveling.
But make sure the stroller is able to support your baby's weight, so check this out first.
Hope this information is helpful for you.
It takes a village to raise a child !
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