What to take note during second stage of labor?

 Precaution to be taken during second stage of birth delivery in Singapore

1. Follow the guidance of your doctor closely. When your doctor tells you to breathe, try to breathe and hold it. You should 'push' only when your doctor asks you to push. If you do not cooperate, the delivery process may be prolonged. Proper coordination of the contraction and your 'push' can help your baby to descend faster.

2. Do not scream. All mothers will cry or weep during the process. But you should lower down your voice. This is because lowering down your voice will help uterine contraction which can help your baby to descend faster. Furthermore, screaming will make you exhausted.

3. Your posture must be correct. You should lie down with your back and waist on bed and your hand should hold onto the handrail of the bed. With correct position, you can make each push effective.

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